A good approach when creating a model that will be further animated is to determine the maximum possible range of its use and visual change (animation).
What actions will be performed by this model, what actions are completely excluded or will be implemented with the help of particles (destruction).
Suppose we need to create a model of a weapon that must have a number of moving parts in its animation. Which parts will be mobile, what are the limit changes (maximum displacement, rotation, change). Undoubtedly, each model is subject to a certain degree of optimization and should not contain inactive elements and details. However, it is necessary to rationally assess which elements should be mobile and how much it is necessary within the general model. Suppose your weapon model has a fuse, it is a moving part, but it is used only in one animation, which can be used very rarely, or which will not be visible, respectively, to make it a separate moving part will not be rational. On the contrary, the elements that will often be in the player’s field of vision must be mobile.
At the stage of the concept it is necessary to understand what actions the character will perform, whether a person will be involved in it, with what elements he will be able to interact. Insufficient polygons or incorrect grid can undermine all further work of the animator and cause many blockers and artifacts. Perhaps one of the most important points in creating a model for animation is to understand the anatomical features of the body (or human, animal, insect), which parts of the body stretch, bend, which are static, where the shoulder force and which muscles may be responsible. If the grid is built incorrectly, it will be very difficult or impossible to achieve plausible animation. When building a grid of the human body, there are a number of basic features and rules that apply to most models (face grid, how to properly post a polygonal grid so that it correctly transmits facial deformities). Also, a good option is to shoot references, in preparation for the animation of the character, you can record on video the specific movements and facial expressions, using in the future as a reference in the work. In this way it will be clear which parts of the body and how they will move, and require more detailed treatment.
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